Forum Discussion

ShawnRichard's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Tracking Quiz results in Reach 360

If I'm creating a course with multiple quizzes, how can I track the results of each quiz?


  • Hello Qualifi,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Reach 360 currently only supports tracking of a single quiz. The tracked quiz is the one that gets its data sent to Reach 360. 

    Feel free to open a feature request if you'd like the coverage of the reporting to include other quizzes in the course!

  • If a large course (created in Rise) with multiple quizzes (uploaded from Storyline) is divided into smaller courses each with its own quiz and each smaller course is placed in a learning path, would tracking/results of each quiz then be available in Reach 360?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Cindy, 

      If you add your divided Rise 360 courses with quizzes to a learning path in Reach 360, they will be treated as individual items. If you view the activity tab for the learning path, each course your learners take with a quiz will have a score assigned to them. 

      Just to clarify, embedded Storyline 360 blocks in a Rise 360 course will not have their quiz data, which includes the score, reported in Reach 360. You'll want to build the quizzes exclusively in Rise 360 or Storyline 360 and avoid embedding if you would like scores to be properly reported.