Forum Discussion

AidaMay-5a65cc2's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Translation of Rise Course to SEA languages

Is there anyway to translate a Rise course to Asian languages (Korean, Japanese, Thai, Mandarin...etc)?

I read a few blogs that I need to export an XLIFF file and download free software in order to work with that file. This file is currently downloads as WordPad format for some reason. 

Our translators are all in house staff in their respective markets and not professional translators. Is there any other work around for this besides working with XLIFF?

I appreciate any feedback on this matter. 

Thank you. 


  • Hi Aida, Rise 360 can only accept XLIFF files when translating your course. When you click on the Export XLIFF file button, are you getting a different file type? The file that downloads into your computer should have a .xlf extension. 

    Here is a sample screenshot:

  • Hi Aida,

    Translating RISE courses requires the use of XLIFF files (this is merely a file format that CAT (computer aided translation) tools can accept. RISE only produces XLIFF files.

    There are many workarounds I can think of for you, but aside from 1 below they would require the help of a translation company.

    1. Duplicate your course in each language and have your in house staff replace the text in the each of the duplicated courses. Also you would need to translate a label set for each of the languages in addition to translating the course text. If your course has embedded assets (images / video to subtitle etc) this would have to be done outside of RISE and the images / video uploaded to RISE.

    If you do want some help and explore further options that would allow your in-house staff to "act as translators" with the help of a translation company feel free to drop me a message.
