Forum Discussion

SarahCollett-20's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Trigger based on variable not working


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but it's not something I've tried before. I'm wondering if it's just not possible, but in theory I feel like it should work! 

I've created a project with a menu screen. Each option branches the learner to a new scene. When they complete that scene and return to the menu screen, I want them to see a 'completed' state on that menu option. To do this, I've

  • Created a true/ false variable defaulting to false
  • Added a 'completed' state to the menu option
  • Added a trigger to a shape on the last screen of the branching scene which they must click to return to the menu screen. This trigger is to change the variable to 'True'
  • Added a trigger to the menu screen to change the state of the menu option to complete when the value of the variable is true
  • Set the menu screen to 'auto decide' revisited state

It just doesn't work- the state of the menu option doesn't change. Does anyone have any ideas? Fell free to tell me if I'm completely barking up the wrong tree! :) Thank you!

  • MichaelHinze's avatar
    Community Member

    The "When variable changes..." trigger is limited to the slide where the change actually happens, in your case the last slide of a scene, NOT the menu slide. You need to edit these menu slide triggers to "Change state of xyz when slide's timeline starts. Also, set the menu slide properties to Reset to Initial State.

  • Hi Michael, thanks for your reply. It's useful to understand that about that trigger. What's more, I've just tried that and it worked!! I have to confess it took a couple of minutes to get my head around what you were suggesting, but then the old brain caught up!!

    Thanks so much for your time :)