Forum Discussion
Use of triggers and variables
I am trying to create some content. I have added three layers with some information for three points on base layer. What i want on the base layers is that till the timeline ends on layer 1, the state of bullet 1 should not become visited. Till the timeline ends on layer 2, the state of bullet 2 should not become visited and similarly for bullet 3. Also, the slide should jump to next slide only and only if the state of all three bullets is visited. I tried giving trigger to "Back" button on each layer, however, it is not working. As it is allowing me to click on bullet 2 and / or 3 on base layer wihtout completion of timeline on layer 1. How do I do this? I am a novice for Articulate and this is my first project. Please help
1 Reply
The Visited state comes with built-in functionality. An object with a Visited state will automatically change to that state when it is clicked.
Here's how to do what you want:
- Replace the Visited state with a custom state. For example, you could call it Completed.
- On each layer, add a trigger that changes the corresponding button to the Completed state with the layer's timeline ends.
- Enable the NEXT button when the state of the 3 buttons = Completed.
FYI: This post had a file that demonstrates various ways to control the NEXT button: TIP: Controlling the NEXT Button 101 - Articulate Storyline Discussions - E-Learning Heroes