Forum Discussion

DiarmaidCollins's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Trigger Warning 2: The case of the glitching editor

In an unexpected (but wholly predictable) follow-up to the classic tale that was Trigger Warning - Triggers disappearing from a fortnight ago comes a new tale of horror and weirdness and bizarre shenanigans that will make your hair stand on end, your cat explode and possibly cause an involuntary bowl movement (in your kitchen - keeping the poltergeisty theme - I am not an animal!), ladies... gentlemen and everyone in-between and beyond... I present my latest video masterpiece... Trigger Warning 2: The case of the glitching editor.

I admit it is not very clear what I am trying to do here but I do have clients, work and a job to do and trying to spell out these glitches is now becoming almost a full-time job in itself. I need a video editor to help with these.


So I have this complicated DragonDrop simulation I am trying to get to work. It doesn't for some unknown reason (it almost does, but I'd love to get into that but maybe I'll open another thread).

However, what is going on here is just annoying. I have a number (too many) of Triggers attached to each Drag Item, and one of them governs on when the Dragged Item should change to Drop Incorrect (when dragged onto any of the incorrect 5 options).

I am not so OCD that I need everything to be in the proper order (HELLO stupid States Panel reorder gimmickry) but it does come in INSANELY handy when trying to troubleshoot issues.

Here I am simply trying to rearrange the DropZone areas into a numerical sequence, but when I open the edit panel and try and move the objects into order it won't let me.

Fair enough, it's not like they are listicle items like variables or something... these are OBJECTS man!

So, yeah, I try to delete them, but WOAH... they won't delete... they just... stay there... like, like... something that won't go away.

The UNDEAD!!! Zombies, ghosts, spooks, ghouls... that's what I was looking for.

Only when I click OK, ... POOF... it's like magic, they are all gone, but I'm not sure I wanted to delete them all, or even what got deleted, so I undo and... WHEW... back to the new normal.

I try again, this time tiptoeing very carefully through the creaky corridors of doom, clicking randomly trying to make things... happen... when I unlock the secret combination of pressing the Bin Icon and then... clicking the  + Object button, because, well, obviously if I want to delete items I immediately want to add more stuff in again, and... VIOLA... (yes, the musical instrument) the binned item finally succumbs to its fate and perishes into the fiery pits of hell.

Is this normal behaviour? I have never really created any interactions with state changes or object-based stuff before and it is... annoyingly difficult to ensure stuff gets acknowledged and then triggered upon.

And again, apologies for the overly early seasonal hyperbole. I haven't had much sleep in a few days and I think I'm wired to the moon.

  • Hi Diarmaid,

    I'm sorry you're having issues organizing and deleting triggers! I have opened a support case on your behalf. You should hear from our support engineers in one business day but usually sooner.

    Thanks for reaching out!