Forum Discussion

WilliamRyan-dba's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Triggered variable preventing user from revisiting slide

Hi All,

I write e-learning courses for some complex technical procedures, and set up the courses like this:

  • Sections of the procedure are on individual slides (e.g., slide "Calibrate Widget")
  • Steps of the procedure for that section are on slide layers (e.g., calibrate widget, step 1 is on layer 1; step 2 is on layer 2 etc.)

I have it set up so that when the slide timeline starts, layer 1 automatically shows - if the slide has not been visited. The user navigates through the slide layers with "continue" or "back" buttons at the bottom of the layers. When the last layer is completed, the "continue" and "back" buttons appear as in the other layers, but in this case when the continue button is clicked,  a variable of the project is adjusted (e.g., Widget_Calibration_Complete = True), and the slide base layer shows. Since the triggers are set such that layer 1 shows automatically if "Widget_Calibration_Complete = False, the main menu for navigating the other slides appears.

All that is working fine. However, what's tripping me up at the moment is that if someone wants to revisit the slide that they have already seen, it is not possible. Is there a way around this? 

  • Could you add a Review Steps layer for each slide:

    • If Widget_Calibration_Complete = True show the layer if they revisit the slide
    • Include a button to set Widget_Calibration_Complete = False and restart the the timeline on the base layer of the slide

    Just a quick idea.

  • Thanks for your response. Actually, after posting the question, a potential solution came to me, and which I'm now testing... The use case I was having difficulty with, is if a user is already on a slide and want to see it again... The navigation button trigger is Jump to Slide -> This Slide. Since the variable was true, it didn't show the slide again. 

    I added a trigger before this one, if the variable is True, set to False. After this addition everything seems to be working fine... Of course now I have to add it to all the other buttons...

  • I think I've heard of people creating a very short slide (timeline is too short to notice) that you jump to before jumping back to your target slide as well.