Forum Discussion

RaviSingh-98a7e's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Urgent Issue with Rise Articulate Translation Functionality

I am writing to bring to your attention a critical issue that I have encountered with the Rise Articulate platform regarding translation functionality.

Recently, while working on translating content within a specific package, I noticed an unexpected behavior. When I tried to translate text in one package's "labels" section under "settings," the translations ended up affecting all packages on our dashboard, which we didn't intend. This mix-up has made it hard for us to manage our content consistently and has caused a lot of confusion.

I kindly request your urgent assistance in resolving this issue. It is imperative for us to have granular control over translations within individual packages without impacting others on the dashboard. Ensuring this functionality aligns with our workflow and enables us to deliver a seamless user experience across languages.

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Ravi,

    When you create a new Rise course, and don't choose otherwise, each Rise course you create will use the same default label set.

    So, if you edit the label set in one course, all courses using that same label set, will also change, and this is what happened in your case.

    You can create a unique label set for every course, if you want. Or you can have several courses share the same label set. The functionality already exists, it's up to you how to use it.