Forum Discussion

KristinFiore-3a's avatar
Community Member
15 days ago

Video w/cue points to quiz questions. Why can't this work?

I've spent about 80 hours trying to add a few knowledge checks to two videos, and my project files and have had about 30 iterations that almost work. Most issues were software glitches (?) and new ones seem to have taken over, but there's likely other things i can still try.

I have 3 cue points during the video that pop out to a few questions at each point. The user answers, then is returned to the video at the cue point. Variables let Storyline know they've reached certain points in the video or answered a set of questions, to keep them moving forward. Easy peasy. Camtasia has this feature built-in, but Rise won't take those files. This was so glitchy I had to recreate it from scratch several times, but I finally got it to work consistently. So I don't think the cue- or question-related triggers are the issue.

But the file kept playing automatically when uploaded to Rise, in spite of having "play when clicked" in the Video Options. I next tried adding triggers to keep it from playing upon Rise load but force it to continue automatically once the cue points were hit. Nope. Player only, video controls only. Neither has worked for one reason or another.

I removed the 50-minute original video and put a 2-minute one in order to upload a shorter file to this forum, and now that video won't play at all. Sometimes the callouts in there won't work. It's a crapshoot. So that's the version I've uploaded, along with two images that show the triggers with explanations of what they're meant to accomplish. I'm hoping to salvage my learnings for another project, as it's too late for the current one. Any help much appreciated! What I'm trying to do originally didn't seem difficult.

  • I don't see any files attached. Also, is this question about Rise or Storyline 360. It seems like Storyline but you mention Rise a couple of times.

  • Here are the files. Don't know why they didn't upload. The file is a storyline file, but the autoplay issue is only clear when it's uploaded into Rise. I don't want the video to play automatically OR once the user scrolls down to that portion of a Rise page. I want it to play when it's clicked on only.

    • Nathan_Hilliard's avatar
      Community Member

      Kristin- Granted I don't use Rise much, but I don't see what you are describing. When I publish your file and insert it into a Rise project, it does not autoplay. It actually displays the standard SL black preplay click-through screen on top of not autoplaying. 

      That aside, while I undestand what your design is trying to do, I wasn't sure about why you did not want the video to autoplay. By setting clicking to start, the video is disconnected from the slide timeline. When you revist the slide and jump forward to the last cue point, the video is not automatically advanced since it is set to start on click, and starts over from the begining. You could manually advance it via a script trigger, but that's another step.

      Maybe you could just let the video autoplay and setup a pause layer that shows once on the initial timeline start. You could use a variable to prevent it from showing again if desired. That way the video still won't start until the user clicks on the layer, but you link the video playback back into the timeline.

      For your future efforts, have you considered using layers for the quiz questions instead of multiple additional slides? Pausing and resuming the base layer timeline while viewing layers seems like it would greatly simplify your approach.


  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply. I think I tried layers but it wouldn't show them (there were a lot of glitches where things woud work, then not work, then work again). I don't want the video to autplay because it's part of a Rise page that has several elements. The video would begin playing before it was even visible on a user's screen. I tried putting in a button to get it to play upon that click, but then it wouldn't play after a user was popped out to answer quiz questions, then returned to the video. I can try pausing the video on the timeline ONLY if the first cuepoint hasn't yet been reached. I think I was trying to do that when the video stopped playing entirely, even on my timeline. At this point, I can't tell what's system malfunction and what's incorrect on my side. I'll play around later this week with other options.

    • Nathan_Hilliard's avatar
      Community Member

      If you create a layer on the video slide, set the layer settings to pause the timeline on the base layer when shown, add a trigger on the base slide to Show layer on timeline start if [some variable] = false, followed by a trigger to set [some variable] to true on timeline start, then you should be able to pause the slide and an autoplaying video (upon only the first play start) until the layer is closed (by clicking or whatever). Revisiting should proceed to play normally.

      • KristinFiore-3a's avatar
        Community Member

        oh - i think another reason i didn't do this is that quiz slides can't be put on layers (unless you create them freeform from scratch), and they also have multiple layers on their own due to the feedback, so it was easier to create them on separate slides.