Forum Discussion
Weird delay on layers when triggered
So, I have created a basic presentation on residential design styles for a class I'm working on and I have a slide where the students can click on smaller thumbnail images and it will zoom out to become larger and then shrink back down when they click on a close icon. each image is housed on a separate layer and has the zoom entrance animation and zoom exit animation. It works, but when you preview it there is a weird pause between clicking the thumbnail, and the animation starting and I can't figure out why it isn't immediate.
Here is the presentation on Review (it is the Colonial Cape Cod slide)
When you click the small images to make them larger there is a 1-2 second delay before the entrance animation plays on the image in the layer.
Here is the base slide and you can see my layers.
Here are the triggers to show the layers.
Here is the timeline on the image layers.
- AndrewHanleyCommunity Member
Hey Caryn, I tried out your review link, and can see the delay you are talking about.
I dont think its a delay in opening the layer. The layer is almost certainly opening the instant someone clicks the link.
However, your timeline shows a 0.5s delay before the icon appears, and also a strange cuepoint at almost 1sec. Im wondering if there is something on your layer timeline and/or triggers that is stopping it playing at the start?
To test this, I would put a bright pink circle on one of the layers - now you will see that clearly and know the layer is open. This way you can eliminate if the delay is in the layer opening, or the layer timeline starting. (i strongly suspect the layer timeline is at fault here)
Try the pink circle trick, and see if that helps you narrow it down.
I would also look at that cuepoint and Icon 1 delay - remove them for a test. Andrew's tip will let you know when the layer is opening and possibly what causes the delay.
I tried to replicate your issue and couldn't get a delay. From what I can tell:
- The user clicks the picture.
- The layer shows the picture with an entrance animation that pauses the timeline at cue point
- User clicks the hotspot and that resumes timeline.
- Layer hides at end of timeline.
Without seeing the actual slide it's tough to know where the delay comes in.
With that said, instead of the layers with those triggers, an alternate way to zoom the picture is to add a zoom on the picture.
- Select the picture
- Click on format tab
- Select zoom picture next to the crop button.
- CarynMayCommunity Member
The circle trick worked. It turns out there was a residual transition left on the layer. This one that was playing causing the image not to appear for a second.
Thank you for your help, Andrew!