Forum Discussion

ElizabethBurt-c's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

What am I missing??? Rise 360 - Final Assessment - No retrys - Score recorded in the LMS

I have a completed RISE 360 module. Everything is good to go except for the end-of-module assessment. 


What I need to accomplish

The learners need to complete an end-of-module assessment. The final score needs to recorded into the LMS. 

Current State

I have created this quiz in 3 different Articulate tools now.

  • RISE 360 - not a true test of recall because the learners can select "retry" if they get it wrong.
  • Quizmaker - Looks great, works great in quizmaker preview. But I have no idea how to get it moved into the RISE 360 module. 
  • Storyline - I am struggling with how to make the storyline content behave with all of the bells and whistles of the quizmaker version of the content. Not a fan of Storyline and trying to figure out layers, triggers and all of the other options. The version I have of the quiz in storyline ONLY has the quiz questions working. I cannot figure out how to have it calculate results, etc. 

I have been watching sooooo many different tutorials, but I cant seem to find the one that will walk me through... How to upload quizmaker file into RISE 360. 

Help a Articulate novice out pretty please :-) 


  • Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community, Elizabeth! We're glad you're here. 😀

    I appreciate your extensive research and tests with our tools to determine the best app to satisfy your quiz requirements. I'm happy to help with the steps to upload Quizmaker files into Rise 360. 

    There is no direct way to do so. You would first need to import your Quizmaker quiz into Storyline 360. Then, use the Storyline block to embed that course in Rise with the steps below:

    Let me know if you have additional questions, and I'd be happy to assist further.