Forum Discussion

BonnieAnkle-483's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Why can't I see the 3 dots next to current view in Review 360 - when I have uploaded the project.

I have a large project where the team of 6 will need access to each others project. I was hoping that using the could back up would allow for one place - but I am having trouble. I followed the step by step with 12 projects and there are no download "..." like explained in the step by step please help. 

As outlined in this step by step: 

I did everything outlined and when I click on View Project I do not see the "..." next to Current Version top left. 

I need to have my team members download and edit and update and this was supposed to be the fastest way to do this but this is not functioning as outlined in the step by step - is there any advice as to what I might be doing wrong?


Thank you, Bonnie

  • To confirm . . . you are logged in as the same user and cannot see the "..." to be able to download the story?


    • BonnieAnkle-483's avatar
      Community Member

      Correct, I can't see the "..."  on the projects that I have published with the checked Checked box under Cloud Back up.

      I did this several times and also added projects to a Team folder and asked if a team member can see if and we don't see the "..." .

      When we click the version on only one project we see a hyperlink to download from the first version but no "..."  - this was for a project that was uploaded 3 weeks ago  with the checked box checked. But none of the current projects  since.  Also if I click on the download hyperlink I get an error pop up saying that this is unavailable. 

      I think the functionality is broken. 



  • Interesting.  The "..." are basically indicators to hide or restore a version.  I have just tested on courses here and do not have issues downloading the source file.

    I was concerned that maybe when you were viewing the course in Review 360 you were not logged in as you, but it sounds like you have checked for that.

    It may be worth submitting a case to get more eyes on your issue.


  • I submitted a ticket yesterday and the IT person was having the same issue as I was. I know that I just updated my version and that's when I noticed that this was missing. So I hope I do hear back from them with an answer. Thank you for replying - if anyone else is having this issues and find a solution please let me know. 


  • Can you tell me what version you have? because I just did an update and I only see this on the one that  I uploaded before the  update. The April 30 version was working and I might need to reinstall that version

  • SOLUTION: I uninstalled all Articulate off my computer, then I restarted, then I downloaded the most current version of Storyline 360 and all of a sudden all of the upload Back-ups started for all of the projects. it seams that one of the past upgrades didn't allow the upload to the cloud. 

    Now I still do not see the "..." but I see the download hyperlink under the current version drop down menu.