Forum Discussion

NicolasPCHON's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Zone de clic => Choix multiple


J'ai créé une question au format libre "choisir plusieurs".

J'ai placé des rectangles transparents pour sélectionner les endroits ou cliquer.

J'ai deux réponses possibles. La méthode fonctionne correctement quand l'utilisateur clique sur les deux zonnes. Toutefois, je voudrais que la réponse soit correct si au moins une des deux cases est choisies.
Cela est-il possible? Comment?



  • Hello Nicholas, and welcome to the E-Learning Heroes Community! 🥳 Glad you're here! 

    Thanks so much for reaching out. Happy to assist you! 

    I've created a sample file for you to help you get started with this interaction. I've created functionality as you described in your original post! If you are looking to accomplish something different within Storyline 360 and I misunderstood, just let me know!

    Let me talk you through what I did:

    • I went ahead and inserted a Freeform Pick-Many question.  

    • From there, I inserted six rectangles. I made the two correct objects Green and the rest Red. 

    • I checked in Form View that the correct answers were selected. 

    • For each object, I created a trigger that leads the learner to either incorrect or correct feedback. ( You can see a screenshot of one correct and one incorrect option). 

    • Then, I made sure the number of attempts was set at 2. (You can find this in the DESIGN tab in the Scoring section. )

    Attached to my reply, you'll find my .story file. Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions!

    Additionally, here is our User Guide for Pick-Many Questions:

    Have a great weekend, and happy developing! ☀️