Forum Discussion

PaulAlders's avatar
Super Hero
3 days ago

Zoom Region Feature

How often do you use the Zoom Region feature in Storyline?

I’ve noticed that I don’t tend to use the Zoom Region feature that often. One of the main reasons is that it only allows us to zoom in on a fixed part of the screen, which can feel a bit restrictive when designing engaging interactions.

Wouldn't it be great if we could scale objects to any size we wanted and move them freely across the screen? After some experimenting, I realized that with a little bit of JavaScript and some simple math, we can do just that! 

By using this technique, you can give your learners a more dynamic experience without being limited to the standard zoom functionality.

Want to see it in action? 

Preview this feature via this link.

If you're curious to try it out yourself, you can also download the source file, which includes the JavaScript code I used. 

Download the file here and give it a go!

I'd love to hear your thoughts and see how others in the community are pushing the boundaries of Storyline. Have you ever used custom code or other creative solutions to enhance your projects?

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