Importing quiz into storyline

Jul 24, 2012


I am currently using a trial version of Storyline. While importing quiz created in Articulate Quizmaker into storyline, I got the following message "Could not open Quiz - The quiz could not be opened. Please make sure it isn't open in Quizmaker." I dont have it open in quizmaker. I still get this message. Please help.


6 Replies
Ruchi Raina


I also have the same issue. The storyline importing option doesn't seem to be working for Engage/Quiz.

I am using the Articulate studio 5.4 and Quizmaker 2.3.

When I select a file (engage or aqm) for import, I get the error message "couldn't import the file. Please make sure that it isn't already open in Engage."

Sajna Thomas

Hi Peter,

Sorry for the delay in responding to your answer. I was held up on a different project. With regards to the issue i was facing; I followed the instructions given in the tutorial and was working from my local drive. I think it must be the trial version that caused the problem because now in the actual version of storyline, the quiz got imported without any issue.



Ashley Schwartau

I've been trying to import both an Engage slid and a Quizmaker slide into (the trial version of) Storyline. For the last 12 minutes, at least, it's been spinning, saying "reading quizmaker project". TWELVE minutes?? To import a quiz that doesn't have videos or pix (just audio files)? What's it going to be like to import my larger engage files that have lots of video and audio elements?

I've had to force quit and restart storyline twice in an attempt to import these files. Is it just not working because it's the trial version? I want to be able test out Storyline to make sure it will do what we think it will do before spending the cash on it.

I use Articulate Studio 09. We were so excited about Storyline and the possibility of creating different kinds of interactivity to our courses as well as integrate what we've already created in Engage/Quizmaker. We're very interested in moving over to Storyline but it there's going to be compatibility issues with all of the old courses we've created in Studio, I don't know if it will be worth it. :-/ 

Any ideas?

The spinning loading page is still there. "Reading Quizmaker Project." NO other applications are open except for this web browser.

Edit: I posted this originally at 3:04. It is not 3:24 and it's still spinning, supposedly importing. :( 

Peter Anderson

Hi Ashley, welcome to Heroes

Really sorry about the trouble you've ran into. The integration is designed to go really smoothly, as you hoped, and in most cases, does. We'd really like to be able to take a look at your quiz and Storyline project to see if we can catch might be going on. Can you please submit a ticket to our support team so they can assist you with that? Thanks, and welcome again!

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