Quizmaker - Results screen not displaying properly

Nov 25, 2013


Anyone else running into this problem with QM 13? 

I've elected to allow my users to run through the final exam 2x.  And to retry the quiz, but not review the results.

When I run through the quiz, the final screen, despite what I have selected in QM, displays the Review Quiz button, not Retry Quiz button.  Here are screen shots of the settings and the finished output.  What settings am I missing?



5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Margaret, 

The image that you shared here I see that the button says "Retry Quiz" not "Review Quiz" so I'm not sure what issue you're experiencing. You'll also want to make sure that you set this up on the Success and Failure layer as they can have different options - it looks like this is the Success layer. 

Margaret Kelsey

Hi Ashley,

Thanks for the reply.

I attached the wrong screen shot.  It displays appropriately when I do a test run in QM. But, not in the player. In the player, it shows Review Quiz. 

I'm new to the layers and how they work.  Do you have more information on this I can can read?

Also, I haven't heard back on why all of the notes associated with a QM screen aren't displaying in the Notes tab in the player.  All settings have been properly selected.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Margaret, 

Sure, this tutorial deals with the Results slides and walks you through how to change the information depending on which layer you're on. 

You mentioned the "Review quiz" displays in the player - do you mean that you've inserted the Quiz into Presenter, and it's displaying there with the Review button? When you preview or publish your course, Presenter compares the timestamps of the original quiz file and the copy in your course's *.ppta file. If the original file is newer, the cached copy gets updated to reflect the changes. If the original file is missing, Presenter uses the cached copy instead. If you've moved your Quizmaker file or your Presenter file, that could be causing Presenter to not find the changes you've made. Instead of making the updates to the Quizmaker file directly, I'd use the option within Presenter to edit the Quizmaker file, and then you'll click "Save and return to Presenter."

In regards to the Notes tab, I see you're working with Leslie over here.  It looks like you're only seeing some of the notes, but not all for the Quiz slides? It may be easier to understand this set up if you're able to share a section of this course and how you've included it within Presenter. If you'd like to package the Presenter files, you're welcome to share them here or in the previous thread to keep items connected. If you'd prefer to share it privately, you can send to us here. 

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