New Rise Feature: Search Course Content

Jun 07, 2018

Breaking news! We just released a cool new feature in Rise that lets learners search course content. Now they can use a field in the course sidebar to search keywords and jump directly to relevant results. This is a great way to let learners find key, useful info.

search course

Pro tip: The search field is on by default, but you can turn it off in the course settings on the navigation tab.

31 Replies
Cass Netzley

This is a game changer for us to move forward with Rise as we replace traditional InCopy/InDesign/PDF based manuals.

I can't thank the Articulate team enough for listening to your user base and getting this feature out there. I know it couldn't have been easy and I appreciate the intuitiveness of the use/results rendered w/ the new search. Finding out about this earlier today on because of a fellow forum user bringing it to the community's attention has honestly made me have a grin from ear to ear this entire day.  :D

Great work, Articulate! 

Tim O

I'm assuming this would be a feature request, but is there a way to have the option for this feature to be set as off at an account level? We're a school, and we'd prefer to have this off for all courses we create.

That said, this is still a great feature. Thanks for continuing to give us more value!

Jim Muirhead


Just completed a huge course with restricted navigation, exported it to then discover the Search button had vanished. 

Could you explain the reasoning behind this? Seems slightly unfair on the user to lose this invaluable function just because a restriction has been set in place. 

I would be more than happy for Search to appear once the lesson is complete, for example.


Allison LaMotte

Hi Jim,

The search feature is disabled automatically when you choose restricted navigation because it would override the restricted navigation by allowing users to go to other parts of the course via the search function. If you'd like to use the search function, you'll need to choose the free navigation option.

I hope that makes sense! Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help. :)