38 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Elijah,

You could add a "multimedia" block just below your accordion or Tabs interaction, so that way you could stack all the elements together. Here's a quick look at the sample Accordion stacked on top of a multimedia block, and then another Tabs interaction below it. 

Hope that helps! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Elijah, 

If you wanted it within one of the tabs itself, you could certainly turn it into a video file and then insert that using the "Upload media" option:

If you take a look at my sample though, you'll see the multimedia block includes audio and that I've placed just below a tab interaction. 

Jay Varia

Is it possible to request that the ability to add audio files is made available in accordian and tab interactions? (similar to the process interaction?). The ability to add audio would greatly help, especially where one needs to expand or talk around information presented in these interactions- it makes for a richer learning experience.

Whilst I appreciate that audio files can be added outside the interaction, the ability to include them within a tab or accordian slide would make the experience more seamless and provide better context for learners. Thanks!

Patty Maher

Related question: I need to embed links to resources in an accordion. These resources exist in other lessons as multimedia blocks. The resources that are PDFs work fine (I tested the course in our LMS), but two of the links don't work. One is a Word doc, the other is a PowerPoint. I followed the same steps as for the PDFs. The URLs do look different, so i'm guessing that is a clue. Is there a way to do this? I tried hosting the word doc on our website and using that link, but so far it doesn't work great and it's a download -- the document doesn't open automatically like the PDFs. Thanks for any help you can give.

Allison LaMotte

Hi Patty,

How are you linking to the PDFs? Are you sure the only difference is the type of file? It's hard to know how to help you out without having a closer look at your course. I'm thinking it may be best for you to get in touch with our Support Team so they can take a closer look. You can submit a case here.

In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!

Patty Maher

Allison -- I go to the attachment block, open the attachment (pdf), copy the URL (in this case: https://articulateusercontent.com/rise/courses/GJZiWf2YuCxVx_8q01VrG_UY95mOtIfX/Qrl0RjNvhpUTVlHm-hasbro-20-mission-20-and-20-vision-20-statements.pdf) then embed it in the accordion text. Works fine for the the PDFs, but not the Word doc or the PowerPoint. I did notice that the URL for those is different -- starts with https://rise.articulate.com/author/...

Allison LaMotte

Hi Patty,

I just tried this out and I'm seeing the same thing as you. Whether I click on the link I've copied into the accordion or if I click directly on the attachments block, it downloads the Word document and opens the PDF in another tab.

I looked into this and it seems like that’s just how browsers handle these different file types, it's not specific to Rise 360.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Lynda Thornton - Guelker

I have inserted the accordion into my .story.  It will work on the first layer for audio, but then it will stop and you have to click the play button for it to continue to move through the other layers.  We are just beginning with Articulate and not doing any student lead courses at this time, so I am recording and moving the content by the timeline.  When I deleted the "Show layer when user clicks" it messed the accordion up!  So I just added "Show layer when timeline reaches #s" , still not help, so I then added "Play media ___when the timeline reaches #s".  Still wants to stop and make the user click the play button.  I thought about adding a condition, but it won't let me use "and".  

Will accordion not work in Articulate 360?

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Lynda! Tell me how you added the Accordion interaction to your Storyline 360 file. Was it another Storyline template that you used? 

It doesn't sound like you're adding a Rise 360 course into Storyline, so I'd like to be sure of what you did so we can help! You can also privately share your Storyline file with us here for one-on-one help. Thanks!

Rhonda Wallace

Anu and others, I like this suggestion!  It is a bit clunky to use the audio in conjunction with the tab or accordion blocks.  I have 3 audio blocks to match my 3 tabs and it doesn't look professional.  Because the tab blocks are meant to enable discovery in any order, it makes much more sense to have the ability to record audio directly into the tab!

Jenny Nobile

As someone who has some end-users who cannot read or speak a foreign language, it is imperative to have the capability to add audio to both tabs and accordian blocks.  

In reviewing all of the comments, I see this has been an issue for several years now - come on Articulate, when are you going to implement our suggestions for Rise???