Compatibilidad cursos Rise con Moodle

Feb 03, 2021


Quería hacer una consulta, ya que tengo un curso en Rise que cuando lo subes a Moodle y realizas un número de secciones, si te sales y vuelves a entrar no recuerda por donde iba y se queda siempre en el mismo punto. Lo que obliga a volver a realizar de nuevo los apartados.

¿Sabéis a qué es debido? 


1 Reply
Alyssa Gomez
Hi there, I wanted to ask a question, since I have a course in Rise that when you upload it to Moodle and do a number of sections, if you leave and re-enter it does not remember where it was going and always stays at the same point. Which forces you to do the sections again. Do you know what it is due to? Thank you.

Hi Christina!

It sounds like your learners might be hitting a suspend data limit

Your LMS has a limit to the amount of data it can hold. If you have a course that goes beyond the limit, the LMS will always resume the course to the same point. 

Did you publish with SCORM 1.2? If so, try republishing your course with SCORM 2004 3rd Edition or 4th Edition, both of which support much longer suspend data. Let me know if you see a difference!