Content Removal from Review 360 and Rise 360

Aug 12, 2021

Hi there!

I have a question regarding removal of projects from my account content library. I have an Articulate 360 account through my work. Recently, I have gone out on leave and in my absence they 'loaned' my license to another employee. Now that I have returned they have reassigned a license back to me, but none of my content from SL or Rise is in my account. Is this normal? Although my license was removed, does the content we load not stay attached to our account (e.g. trial account)? As of now, I have only one project left in my account and it is a Rise project I collaborated on with another employee.

Any guidance you can provide is most appreciated!


5 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Ellen,

When an employee leaves an organization, the Rise account administrator for that organization will reassign that Rise seat to someone else. When doing so, the Rise account administrator has the option to transfer all of the content of that employee to another team member who will become the new owner.

So for you to see your previous courses, the current course owner would need to assign you as a course collaborator for each course.

Ellen Makkas

Thanks for the response Karl. Just to clarify, does that mean my supervisor will have the ability to reassign my content, that was likely transferred to the other employee when initially assigning my license, back to my account? 

I originally was course owner of all of my content, but I only collaborated on one course with another employee before my leave and license transfer. 

Ellen Makkas

Thanks Karl and Alyssa for your quick responses! Though, I fear the content may have been lost. I was the original owner of the content and only transferred one course and not all of them. After which my supervisor transferred my license. I will still reach out to him to see if he happens to have my content in his account library and/or connect with the person to see if she has them in hers.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to share your knowledge!