Does a Rise preview link ever expire?

Dec 13, 2022

As far as I am aware if I get a preview link from Rise, it will not expire as long as I still have access to my account. But what happens if my subscription expires? Does the preview link expire as well? I searched in the community, someone said it expires 6 months after my subscription ends, and some other said the preview link will be there forever.

I know web hosting is always the best choice, but can someone please help me with this?

Many thanks in advance!

1 Reply
Crystal Horn

Hello Shazeena! When cancelling a subscription or allowing it to expire, we’ll keep your Rise 360 courses and Review 360 projects on our servers for at least six months after your paid subscription ends or at least three months after your free trial ends.

In order to comply with our privacy standards, we're required to eventually delete inactive user content, and that will cause the Share link to no longer work. Let me know if you have any questions!