Editing/format feature doesn't work

Apr 15, 2019

I'm trying to edit a course in RISE and the format options aren't functioning. For example, I'm trying to edit text in an Image & Text block by changing the formatting from bold italic as well as the text color.  I've tried editing in the content view as well as opening the edit button.  This doesn't happen all the time, but has happened on other blocks and in other courses.  Any thoughts?  What am I missing?  Thank you.

1 Reply
Allison LaMotte

Hi Paula,

I’m sorry that you’re having some trouble here. I just tested this out on my end and everything seems to be working normally.

The quickest way to resolve this issue is to have our Support Team take a look. You can submit a case here.

In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!

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