Error downloading files

Feb 19, 2020

Hi there!

I'm having problems when trying to download some files (.pdf's, .docx's, excel...) previously upload without problem on Rise Articulate. Not all of them but some files present an issue and it always appear in the same way (there are attached two pictures below). Please, could you help us how to solve the issue or which could be the root. 

Thank you all in advanced!

4 Replies
Cookie Box

Hi Alyssa, sorry, so we don't have screenshots with a better resolution. That's exactly the problem in there, there's a difference between the size and also my client can't download some files (it happens with some of them). We think that could be a problem with browser. Could be a problem with Cyrillic alphabet?

Thank you in advance

Cookie Box

Hi again!

We have been checking again and definitively size might be one of the problems. Files with a smaller size in KB can be downloaded without a problem, but still change the name when downloaded. The ones with size in MB cannot be downloaded properly. 

This is an example of one of those files: 

This is what happens if we try to download it: (it opens a new window, change the name of the file, the new screen remains black and we can't download the document)

I hope it gives you more information.


Thank you!

Alyssa Gomez

Thanks, Cookie Box! Would you be willing to share two or three of these PDF files with our team for testing? We would like to text the smaller files that download correctly with a name change, as well as the larger files that do not download at all.

You can share those files privately with our team by clicking here. We'll be standing by to receive them!

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