help fixing iframe embed

May 22, 2020

can someone help me fix the iframe embed below:


<iframe src="" width="640" height="2500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Ładuję…</iframe>

I keep getting an error. I have tried deleting 'Ładuję…' as suggested in another thread but that has not helped. 



7 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Jacob,

Both of the versions below work. The first one uses a vertical scroll bar, while the second one displays the entire form..

<iframe src=""iframe>


<iframe src="" width="640" height="2500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe>

Alyssa Gomez

Hello, Heather!

If you're using a Share link inside an iframe on your website, the Rise 360 content will no longer display on your site. The change is due to a security enhancement in Rise 360 that prevents share links from being embedded in iframes. You can read more details about this change here.

The good news is, you can still export the Rise 360 course to a web server and include that link inside an iframe. This article includes video tutorials for some free hosting options, such as Amazon S3 and Google Cloud. 

Once the Rise 360 content is hosted on your own server, you can embed that link in an iframe. Let us know if you have any questions about that! 

Alice Wang

Hi alyssa we are wanting to make a course in Rise then have it in an LMS ( HTML export) . If we are iframing and embed link ( link is back to our server)  do we just make that in rise as usual, export and uplod to the LMS and the iframe and embed will work . Or do we need to add the link and iframe separately in the LMS once the rise course has been upload. Thank you Alice