Hide Cover Page for Web exported content

Oct 04, 2023

Hi there, thank you for hiding the cover page for the LMS format, however, I am wondering why you did not include this feature when exporting as a WEB file?

I am trying to put a course onto a portfolio site for one of our internal SharePoint pages, however, the arrow to view the course (micorlearning)is all the way at the bottom, barely noticeable and could be easily missed by most users. 

The cover page is an unnecessary step in order to demonstrate to our stakeholders the capabilities Rise has to offer. 

10 Replies
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And Another vote for this change! 

As the plan for implementing this feature for web is already 8 to 9 month old, can you please update us on the expected implementation date? 

I'm working on the implementation of a substantial support program based on Rise microlearning modules, and this simple feature will contribute considerable to making it a success. Microlearning is all about cutting away the unnecessary.