How can I import a Rise 360 course

Nov 16, 2022


I would like to provide a few templates with our visual identity of the company, on a server for my colleagues.

No problem to export my project to a SCORM file, but I didn't find where I can upload this course again.

Can somebody help me please?
Thank you.

1 Reply
Crystal Horn

Hello Sofie! It sounds like you're looking for a way to upload a published course file back into Rise 360 for editing. This isn't possible - the published course is in a format for viewing but not editing. You have a couple of options:

  • If you are in touch with the original course creator, they can send you a copy or add you as a collaborator if you are both on an Articulate 360 Teams subscription.
  • If not, you can use the published output to rebuild the course. The output will contain all of the media assets for you to upload into a new version, and you'll have a visual reference for the layout of the course when you launch it.

I hope these ideas give you a path forward!