Inline math still not available?

Sep 06, 2020

This is just a question to confirming that math notation in either MathML or LateX is still not enabled in Rise paragraphs/text blocks, nor in the Knowledge Check tools?  If so, can I please add another vote to include it in your roadmap?  The lack of mathematical notation support is essentially a deal-breaker for using RISE in a STEM discipline in post-secondary education. 


I was excited to build much of a new math-focused engineering course is Rise 360: the interface is miles ahead of Brightspace/D2L for its ease of use and polish.

And then I found the snag: there seems like there is still no way to natively enter mathematical notation in the Articular 360 family of products.  I've been through the forums and all I've found are copies of this request over the last 6 years, and replies that "it's on the list".

If that is still the case, I find it stunning.  Just for comparison, two other products that I use, Crowdmark and H5P, have a no-brainer inline editor that allows LaTeX notation as Markdown within regular text.  As far I can tell, they use standard open-source libraries.

I wish my complicated equation, $a(t) = \Sigma_{k=1}^\infty \sin(k \pi t)$ would work in Rise!


Crowdmark text entry

Crowdmark view



10 Replies
Wilfried Sharp

Hi Alan,

We have the same issue with math equations. What I do is save LaTeX equations from a Word doc in web page format (.html). This creates a folder with a png image of each equation. (actually 2 images, one with white background and second image is transparent.

Then I add upload the image to Rise. To generate the alt text from the LaTeX code I use 

If you need to add them within a paragraph/inline, type zzz where you want the image to go.

You right click on zzz and select inspect, then right click again in the inspect area, select Edit as HTML, then past the code below where the zzz is. Hope that makes sense.

<img class="equation_image" title="TITLE" style="vertical-align: middle;" src="URL" alt="ALTTEXT">

You can upload the image the standard way first, then open it in a new tab to get the URL,,, or even better is use a data uri online converter. This means you wont have problems if you copy the course over.