Is there a way to copy or pull in a Micro Learning to use it as a lesson in a course?

Jun 15, 2023

I love the Micro learning option as it is great for quick reference guides, instead of having users go to the course and find the lesson to get the information they are looking  for!    Is there a way to copy, select or import the Micro Learning content to be able to use it as a lesson in a course?  

1 Reply
Karl Muller

Hi Nikki,

Access your Microlearning module.

Create a new Block Template and add all of the blocks in your Microlearning to the block template, and save it.

Go to your regular Rise 360 course and create/open the lesson where you want to copy the contents of your Microlearning module to.

Right below the lesson title, insert the newly created Block Template from the Block Template Library.

Learn more about Block Templates here: