Labelled Graphics - pulsing indicator to show marker has been viewed

Apr 09, 2021

Is there any way to change the color of the pulsing for the markers? Once they are viewed, the pulsing stops. Right now, its white and my graphics have a white background (can't be changed cause they are screen shots of reports in our proprietary software) so the learner can't tell which ones they have viewed. 

I would prefer not to have to change them in the scorm package. :) If that's even possible. 

6 Replies
Charlene Hutchison

Hi Karl

Thanks for the quickly reply. Changing the color marker doesn't change the color of the pulsing. It only changes the background in the marker. Unless there is something awry with all my labelled graphics. 

The pulsing needs to be darker so when the learner views the marker, and the pulsing stops, its noticeable.