Microlearning linked to a Rise360 course

Mar 21, 2023


Is there a way to link a microlearning to a Rise360 course?


I have a Rise360 course titled 'Know your workplace' and i want the user to click on the button stack options (or something else if possible)that will take you to a microlearning course that will describe each department for you. Once the user has completed the microlearning, the user is marked complete as long as one microlearning has been completed. 

Thank you. 


9 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Anjali! It sounds like you want to have a larger course inside of which you'll use microlearnings to determine completion.

You can export microlearning and host it outside of the Rise 360 course on your web server. Then, either link directly to the microlearning using a button stack with the microlearning URLs, or consider using an embed block to display the microlearning within a lesson using an iframe (tips here). Either way, the Rise 360 course won't know if the user has fully viewed your microlearning.

Is there a reason you want to use microlearning for each department rather than a separate lesson within the same Rise 360 course? Some folks indicated that they liked the scrolling effects of microlearning, for example, and wish they could apply those effects to lessons within a course.