Navigation turned to Japanese when exporting to 360 Review

Mar 02, 2021

Hi! I am hoping you can help me out. I am working on a file that was handed off from a teammate. He made me manager of the file and he is still owner. I updated the file and published a new version to Rise 360 review. My labels are all showing up in Japanese. This course is supposed to be in English and my labels are set to English. Please help me troubleshoot this bug.

4 Replies
Sara Moore

The issue was resolved. My partner who set his buttons to Japanese for another project, had to reset mine. For some resson that setting spilled over into every file he touched in Rise, not just his current projects.

Sara Moore
SDS Instructional Designer

Karl Muller

Hi Sara,

This is actually a fairly common problem.

When a new course is created, unless specified otherwise, the course will automatically default to the built-in English label set.

So unless a different label set is created for a new course, all courses that belong to the same owner will likely use the same label set.

So if the course owner later edits the default label set, that same change will also apply to all other courses that use the same label set.

To prevent this from happening, the Course owner can create a label set that belongs to just one, or to a select group of courses.