Printing from browser issues in Rise courses

Sep 06, 2018

When a user chooses to print from their browser, it only prints a single page, rather than all the content. Other websites I've tested print the contents on multiple pages. Does anyone know how to work around this issue?

2 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Yannick,

You could look at sharing a printable copy of your Rise course with learners by saving it as a PDF yourself and adding it to the course. Here's how:

  1. Open the course from your Rise dashboard and click Export in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Choose PDF from the Export Type drop-down list.
  3. Click Export in the upper right corner again to generate the PDF file. (If there are any errors in your course, such as a blank lesson, Rise will ask if you want to edit the course or continue with the export.)
  4. Click Back to Course in the upper right corner to keep working while Rise generates your PDF file. When it's ready, you'll receive an email notification with a download link. (For a small course, you may immediately be prompted to download the PDF before you have a chance to go back to the course editor. Just choose a location on your computer and click Save.)
  5. Click the download link in the notification email, then click Download Course on the web page that opens. Choose a location on your computer and click Save.

Here's how the interactive parts of your Rise course appear in the PDF file:

  • Hyperlinks work as expected and launch in your default web browser.
  • Audio clips, videos, and web objects become static placeholder images.
  • Interactions, such as labeled graphics and tabs, become a series of screenshots, one for each item in the interaction. (Each flashcard becomes two screenshots, one for the front and another for the back.)
  • A Storyline block becomes a screenshot of the first slide in the project.
  • Quiz lessons and knowledge check blocks display questions and answer choices. They don’t show correct/incorrect responses or feedback statements.
Yannick C

Hi Ashley,

Thanks for getting back to me.

I'm familiar with the ability to export Rise courses as a PDF. However, I was hoping to let our users print individual lessons as needed, rather than the entire course.

If anyone has found a workaround for this, please let me know. If not, hopefully Articulate will add support for a print function on individual lessons.


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