Quick Question...Simple Self Assessment

Oct 19, 2020

I used the multiple choice/multiple response question template and posed a quick self assessment statement.  Learners may choose one of the three statements I provided.  The feedback is the same regardless of which they choose.  However, unless all three are checked, the response pops up incorrect answer.  Is it possible to for this feature to do this or should I be using a different question template?  Thanks.

2 Replies
Lea Agato

Since knowledge check questions require you to assign a correct answer, and there isn’t an option to have more than one possible correct answer, I would suggest using a checkbox list interaction instead! Here's how:

  1. Go to All blocks > List > Checkbox list, and input your statements.
  2. Add a continue button with completion type = None (Always show button).
  3. Add a text block for your feedback.

Here’s a recording of the steps:

Let me know if this works for you!

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