Quiz Retries - Passing then failing which score gets reported?

Aug 27, 2019

We have a Rise360 course with a final exam at the end.  The learner needs 80% to pass BUT has unlimited retake options.  My client has reported they have a few learners who have successfully taking the course and PASSED the final exam but have not received a success completion of the course.

Could this happen if they went back and reviewed pages or took the course a second time and perhaps didn't pass or retake the final exam (why should they they already passed it).  What should I advise the client?  Should they make adjustments in their LMS?  Or do I need to put restrictions or alerts in the course if they go back?  Or is it something deeper with our Rise is reporting to the LMS? Thanks!

3 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hello, Valeria. Good ideas to explore! Here are two common scenarios, and what generally will happen:

  • Taking the quiz more than once without leaving the course:
    If one of your learners re-takes a quiz multiple times without leaving the course, the most recent quiz score will be sent to the LMS upon exit. So, they could pass it then fail it, or fail it and then pass it, and Rise 360 will report the more recent result.
  • Leaving the course, and then launching the course again:
    If your learners completed and exited the course, and then chose to relaunch the course, most LMSs will prevent them from changing the completed score. They'll be in "review" mode and their first completion will be final.

Start by sharing that information with your client, and let us know if they're seeing something different! I would also be curious about what information their LMS team has to offer about resuming courses.

Elaine Heazeltine

I am experiencing problems testing this in SCORM Cloud and in my LMS.  The user must pass with 80%.  Users can retake the quiz an unlimited number of times.  If he fails the first time and retakes the quiz WITHOUT leaving the course, SCORM Cloud only reports the first attempt. It never updates the most recent attempt.   Users are NOT leaving the course and relaunching.  I need them to be able to retake and pass the course and demonstrate passing the course

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Elaine!

If one of your learners re-takes a quiz multiple times without leaving the course, the most recent quiz score should be sent to the LMS upon exit. However, it sounds like that isn't working correctly in your course.

Would you be willing to share the LMS output file with our team for testing? If that works for you, you can send it privately by opening a case here. We'll be standing by!