Responsiveness mobile devices

Aug 16, 2022


We are in the process of developing an e-training that can be carried out both on computer and mobile and have encountered a couple of problems regarding the responsiveness on mobile devices. We are having problems with the following blocks:

  • Sorting Activity - The text is not adjusted within the card and becomes out of sight. 
  • Tables - Does not adjust for the size of the screen. The user needs to slide on the table to see it. It is not possible to get a good overview of the table.

Has anyone encountered similar problems or have any tips on how we could resolve this?

Thanks in advance,
Sofia Söderberg

1 Reply
Christopher Santos

Hi Sofia,

Thank you for reaching out to our support team to get your answers. 

For those following this post, the issue with the sorting activity is related to the number of characters.  There is a limit of 80 characters which can impact how this block is viewed on mobile devices. 

We are also working on a feature to make tables more responsive on mobile devices.

We have both of these reported with our engineering team and I'll make sure to update this thread if we hear any news from our team.