Rise 360: List of Lesson Templates - Excel Spreadsheet with Links

Nov 23, 2022


My team and I love all the lessons in Rise 360 and rely on them heavily!

Was hoping someone can help tell me if there is a list of all the lessons in Rise 360 with links to each of the courses? 

I found this: Rise 360: List on Business Content Lessons - E-Learning Heroes (articulate.com) 

I'm just trying to keep track of what has been deployed in my organization and what hasn't been. 



1 Reply
Anthony Karcz

Hi Winnie! A master spreadsheet would definitely be handy, but we don't have anything like that available at this time. I'll pass your request on to our content team! 

In the meantime, the article you linked to has the most up-to-date list of lessons. Keep an eye on the Rise 360 Version History article as well—when new content's posted, it's also noted there.