Rise 360: Reference document with graphic dimensions/aspect ratios/resolution

Mar 14, 2023

Question-Is there a support page on Articulate where you give us the best practices on dimensions/aspect ratios for graphics/headers/icons/etc. I often find large photos getting upscaled and pixelated. If this document doesn’t exists, it would be SUPER helpful to have. I mostly use a browser—although I know everything is responsive for mobile/tablet/etc.

Info to include: Dimensions for:

Headers, full screen images, text on image, quote avatars, all image and text options, gallery carousel/two/three/four column images, etc

1 Reply
Hazel Bartolome

Hi Susan! Here is our support page on Best Practices for Images, Audio, and Video. It does not give the specific dimensions for the use of images, but it does have a lot of information on how you can get the most out of your high-quality media in Rise. If you're having trouble with large images getting pixelated, please check out the tip about the use of  _NOPROCESS_ in the same support page! Hope this helps you!