Rise cover page - can you change "start lesson" button location or hide it?

Jul 18, 2023

Hi I was wondering if there is a way to edit the location of the "start lesson" button found on the cover page. Since I've included information I want people to read on the first page, I would like the button to start the lesson to be at the end of the message (not before that some people will miss the information).  I get that i could leave it blank and start the lesson with a page of information but I'm curious to see if I could just edit its position or hide it instead?

6 Replies
Jane Carpenter

I am TOTALLY for being able to change the position of the start button! I agree with Sophie - there's information on that first page that sets people up & gives them a high-level overview of what to expect. If they click the Start button first, they miss the opening message. P.S. Going into the code to make changes is too much for me right now.

Eric Santos

Hello Jane,

Thanks for sharing that you’d like this feature in Rise 360. It’s not currently on our feature roadmap, but I’ll be sure to update this discussion if our team decides to reroute.

I also appreciate you sharing the workaround you found; this will surely be helpful to our community members with the same need!