Rise functionality - Triggering a completion without viewing entire course

Mar 22, 2022


Hoping you can answer this question: I have a course that will be multi-language. It will be set up so that each language is in it's own lesson (as per a previous discussion thread) The learner will be able to choose from 11 languages (including English). When the content in the chosen language has been viewed, it is possible to have the course marked as completed in an LMS?

Thank you for your help,

Carol Mealy


5 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Carol,

Be aware that the course labels (buttons and navigation) are limited to a single language.

I don't think any of the three course completion options offer easy solutions.

Option 1. The percentage of the course that needs to be viewed to get a course completed status is set for the entire course, not per lesson. So based on 11 languages, a student would need to view 9% of a course to get a completion status.

Option 2: The Quiz can be only in a single language. 

Option 3: In Storyline you can pretty much do whatever you want, but it's a lot more complex and time-consuming compared to working in Rise.

Karl Muller

Hi Carol,

I did some testing yesterday and what I said previously about Lessons of different lengths was incorrect.

Here is what I found in my testing:

If you have 11 Lessons, each Lesson completion is worth 9.09%

This is true regardless of the lesson length. 

Whenever I completed a Lesson, the progress / completion percentage incremented by 9%.

So based on 11 languages, a student would need to view just one Lesson or 9% of a course to get a completion status.