Rise: Interactive Tabs

Feb 21, 2017

Has anyone figured out a way to include bulleted text or graphics in the Interactive Tabs block?

36 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Nice Reagan! On my set up (Mac Keyboard) it was FN+ALT+ 8 key to get the bullet - but it does appear as you showed, although it won't align or tab over the text. So an "official" bullet is something that would make a great feature request! 

Caron, for adding graphics in the Interactive tabs block, you can do that from the "Edit" section and I recorded a quick video in Peek of how to do that. 

Judith Waugh

Thanks for your peek demo Ashley. It shows that the images are 'almost' centred. I am currently showing a client their course being built. I am using a png graphic file created from a ppt slide as a placeholder for the image in interactive tabs,  and it is very obviously sitting to the left.

What advice should I give my designer re sizing/filetype etc so that when they re-create a fresh image of the ppt, it will 'almost file the screen' like your demo, and not so much to the LHS?


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Judith,

We've got the tips here for best practices associated with media in Rise (including images). There isn't one specific size to use, as you'll see within the different modes in that article (landscape vs. portrait) the image can be resized to match the dimensions of the device and size screen you're viewing it on - that's the fully responsive nature of Rise at work! 

For a frame of reference about my photo - here's the general photo info:

Hope that helps! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Amy,

There are two issues mentioned here, the resizing and/or centering of images and the ability to insert bullets. 

Rise has a new text editor, and you can insert a bulleted list using that for standard text blocks, and there was an alignment issue that was also fixed recently. Take a look at the Rise release notes for more information and an updated listing of fixes and features. 

The alignment of images in a Tab interaction is still aligned left. 

Hope that helps and let me know if you need anything else! 

Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Greg,

Since you're looking for a custom look-and-feel, have you considered building the Tabs Interaction in Storyline, then embedding it in Rise using a Storyline block

That way, you'll have the freedom to choose any color or add images to the tab area. Give it a try, and let me know if you need any help along the way!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Cynthia,

We had an issue in our text editor that allowed for copy/pasting of images into a block of text, and that is fixed in the latest Rise updates. I suspect Christy's method was taking advantage of that loophole. 

It sounds like you'd like to see a feature allowing for more alignment choices of text and images? I'm happy to pass your thoughts on to our product team, but you can also feel free to detail them more through a feature request!

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