Rise -Knowledge Check Block - Try Again if correct!

Jan 19, 2023

One of my Rise courses has just gone through QA. And feedback highlighted that when answering a questions correctly using the knowledge block you still get the try again option.

I see there has been similar posts a couple of years ago regarding the same issue and the response was, not this can't be 'turned off' for correct answers.

Surely this is something basic which should be resolved as it it not a good experience for the user. They got a question right but given the option to try again!

9 Replies
Angelo Cruz

Hi Adam! Thanks for bringing this up. I understand what you mean, especially if the learner gets the answer correctly.

We are currently tracking a similar request for the option to remove the "try again" option from the knowledge check block. I'll keep you posted if we make changes to this behavior.

Cormac Cullen

That doesn't really serve as a proper workaround though Karl, as this text will still appear when an answer is answered correct. There is only one 'Take Again' option in the Custom Course Labels. 

What Articulate need to do is provide an option to remove 'Take Again' if question answered correctly.