Storyboards for Rise 360

Dec 01, 2020

In my time working with instructional designers in the E-Learning Heroes community, I've found that there are generally two ways that e-learning developers tackle the course creation process in Rise 360: some developers begin building from scratch, and others prefer to plan ahead with a storyboard.

If you’re a team of one doing most of the production yourself, you likely won't need a storyboard to plan the course ahead of time. Fortunately, Rise 360 is a rapid e-learning tool that allows you to design beautiful and engaging courses without much prep work. However, if you're working on a larger team, or if you want to walk your clients through the design process, then you may be searching for a tool to help you map out your course before you begin development.

Have you been looking for a storyboard template for Rise 360? Here are two generic formats that might be useful for you!

  1. Rise storyboard with image dimensions
  2. Rise 360 Storyboard

And don't miss this handy scenario block planner document created by Tom Kuhlmann!

2 Replies
Larry Turner

Hi Alyssa,

I really appreciate you posting this storyboard.

Rise will be my development tool for a huge redesign project at my company, and I'm responsible for it. Sometimes I find that Rise is pretty confined and predictable, so the more I can see and learn about this, the better product I can design. Keep up the fantastic work, and I am so glad that you guys are all about knowledge-sharing (and template-sharing!!)