Struggling to get started

Oct 02, 2019

I am struggling with getting started and I am not sure why. I have gone back and forth between Rise and Storyline attempting to replicate 3 slides I have in a PowerPoint deck. I have looked at the basic tutorials, handouts and I am still lost. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I know I can import the 3 slides, which I have done, but I really want to make this an inter active presentation

5 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi there, Gary!

Rise 360 is the perfect solution for presenting your slides in a new and modern way. Take a look at how I transformed those 3 slides into three Rise 360 lessons by viewing the link below!

NECS: Grow and Achieve Your Highest Potential ®

If you like it, I can send you a copy of that sample directly to your Rise 360 dashboard.

Holley Berley

Hi Gary,

If you're struggling between Rise and Storyline, I'd suggest checking out some of the Articulate tutorials.  They can give you ideas and cement your understanding at the same time.


Rise 360:


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