Time to build: Rise vs Storyline (or Captivate)

Jun 23, 2023

Hello! I'm trying to create a business case for Rise 360. Anecdotally, I've found info that states what would take 2-3 weeks in Storyline/Captivate, would take about 1 week in Rise. Are there any stats, or studies that have been done to support this claim?

3 Replies
Hazel Bartolome

Hi Angie!

I understand that you would like to get some stats/studies done on how long it takes to build a course in Rise vs. Storyline vs. Captivate.

So sorry, don't have a ready-made comparison chart for that because it would vary depending on the type of course and the content.

These links from the community forums might help you:

How do you estimate how long it takes to build a course?

How long does it take to build e-learning courses?

How long does it take to build a 30-minute course in Rise?

Estimated time to develop a 20-minute mildly interactive technical training module

Hope this helps and let's wait for other folks in the community to also chime in!

Angie Alves

Thank you both! I've used these tools for years and know from personal experience the speed and efficiency that Rise provides over the others. Just trying to convince our leadership that the cost is worth it. Captivate, which is approved at my company, is considerably less expensive.

I'll take a look at those links, Hazel!