Upload images with words for translated versions

Dec 21, 2018

We created a Rise course that has several images with words.  These are in place for interactive pieces, like flip cards, or just as an image uploaded by itself. 

Now we want to translate the course to different languages. 

Is there a way to upload these images within the XLIFF file that is required for translation of all text?  Or is the only possibility to upload each image individually throughout the course? 



3 Replies
Allison LaMotte

Hi Karen,

It sounds like you're talking about images that are embedded in images, is that right? If so, unfortunately there's no way to export those because the text is not separate from the image.

As a best practice, when you're creating courses for localizing you'll want to avoid embedding text in images. Here's an article you may want to read about creating courses that are easy to translate.

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