Video Playback Speed

Jan 25, 2024

Just curious as to why I see this in my Rise 360 course. I set the Video Playback Speed in the Theme/Navigation setting to off but when I am in the block section of one of the lessons I have to uncheck the box in the Format to prevent "allow forward seeking". 

Why is that? Is theme setting not a global setting for the course? I understand one is for speed and the other to disallow the learner from clicking on the timeline. 

3 Replies
Steven Benassi

Hi Gilbert!

Happy to share some insight on this!

Yes, that is correct. The playback speed allows learners to choose a specific playback speed that's comfortable for them. By default, forward seeking is enabled for video blocks.

Both of these settings are related to video playback. However, their configuration is dependent on the specific needs of the learner and cannot be modified globally.

Please let me know if you have any more questions!