Wanting to Export Rise Presentation in a Format That I Could Use For Portfolio

Nov 17, 2022


I am very new to the ID field and this was my first time trying out a free trial with Storyline 360. I created a presentation that I used to help with an interview and I'm actually quite proud of it. Any tips and/or tricks on how to even start a portfolio for my current project and future work? I already have a cert in ID that I attained back in April. I would like to also be able to post that Cert somewhere on my portfolio site. But since I am only on the 30-day free trial, I want to make sure that, even though I have yet to start my own site (assuming I'd have to start paying a subscription for a website), I want to at least make sure that I have exported my Rise project in a file type that can be easy to transfer over to my own site when ready.

I guess what I'm trying to understand is the difference between the different exporting options and to get a better understanding of what is SCORM, too.

Also, as an aside, how can you tell what information is proprietary on your presentation before you upload into your own personal portfolio?

Thank you in advance for any help from this community!

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

If you publish your Rise presentation for the web, you could upload the course when you establish a website for your portfolio. (SCORM publishing is only needed for courses that will be uploaded and tracked in an LMS.) 

Here's the Rise User Guide info about publishing for the web: 


As for proprietary info: it's best to err on the side of caution. Assume any company-specific information is proprietary and should not be included in your portfolio. 

For details about using the Articulate content, here's their Terms of Service: 
