This down to earth Rise 360 example features a variety of interactions, Storyline blocks, and planet-saving tips to teach kids about climate change.


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Billi Switalski
Marcel Hermsen

Yes, the way it's made is great but for me it's indoctrination of kids about the climate change, which is proven a HOAX and a commercial thing to get the rich richer! These people give a lot of comments and tell us what to do to stop the climate change, but they fly around the whole world several times a month and drive in expensive oil sucking cars...hypocrite it is! Also they take down trees for the wood of course but also for burning them into the Biomass ovens...huh? Trees will collect the CO2 and give back oxygen, so it's strange that they cut a lot of trees...all over the world, for building houses instead on the place of the trees or forest! Can someone explain to me why everybody is complaining about the climate change thing and nobody complains about all the opposite things that ... Expand