Chris Hodgson
Merel Wesselink

Hi Chris, awesome Storyline. Absolutely love it! I've been trying get an image animation running when the user scrolls down, just like you did with your animated deep-sea creatures. I've used Hidden/Normal states to let the images appear, however, I can't seem to find out what "when" is needed for the trigger. The perfect 'when' would be when the scroll bar is at a certain point, or when the image is showing up on the slide so the animation starts playing. Both of these options aren't available, so I was wondering what trigger setup you used. I'd love to apply a similar user experience like your Storyline project: - when the user scrolls down, the image/text appears - when the user scrolls all the way back up, and scrolls down again, the Storyline starts replaying the project ju... Expand

Chris Hodgson