Content Library 360 has 10.3+ million high-resolution photos, illustrations, icons, and videos. You can access them right from Storyline 360, and they’re all royalty-free with no attribution required. In this article, you’ll learn how to add Content Library 360 videos to your courses.

Adding Content Library 360 Videos to Your Course

  1. Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and click Videos in the Content Library 360 group. (You can also import Content Library 360 videos directly into the media library.)
  2. Type a search term in the field at the top of the media browser and press Enter.

    Tip: The media browser remembers your last search term, previous search results, and the last asset you selected.
  3. Zoom in and out while you’re browsing for videos by holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and scrolling your mouse wheel.

    If you want to look for a different type of media after opening the browser, use the drop-down list in the upper right corner to switch to another type: photos, illustrations, icons, or videos.
  4. To preview a video before you insert it into your course, hover over it with your mouse, then click the Preview button that appears.
  5. Select the video you want to use and click Insert to add it your slide.

    Tip: You can select multiple videos at the same time using Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click, then insert them all at once.

Swapping Out Videos

You can swap out one video for another without losing the video properties or triggers you already set up. Below, we describe two ways to do so.

Right-Click the Video

  1. Right-click any video in your course, scroll to Replace Video, and choose Content Library 360 Videos.
  2. The Content Library 360 browser remembers your last search during the current session, so you may need to use the drop-down list in the upper right corner to switch to Videos.
  3. Browse for a new video and click Insert.

Use Video Placeholders

If your course is built with video placeholders, you can delete a video you previously added to a placeholder and add another one in its place. Here’s how:

  1. Click the Insert Content Library 360 Video icon in the placeholder.
  2. The Content Library 360 browser remembers your last search during the current session, so you may need to use the drop-down list in the upper right corner to switch to Videos.
  3. Browse for a new video and click Insert.

Using Content Library 360 Photos as Video Poster Frames

If you don’t auto-play a video in your course, learners will see the first frame of the video as its placeholder until it begins to play. If you’d like to display a different video placeholder, you can insert a picture file or a Content Library 360 photo. This image is called the video’s poster frame.

To use a Content Library 360 photo as a poster frame

  1. Right-click the video, scroll to Set Poster Frame, and choose Content Library 360 Photos.
  2. The Content Library 360 browser remembers your last search during the current session, so you may need to use the drop-down list in the upper right corner to switch to Photos.
  3. Browse for the photo you want to use as the poster frame and click Insert.

If you change your mind, just right-click the video again and choose Remove Poster Frame.

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Adding Videos from Files, Websites, and Webcams
Editing Videos
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