Cat Huntingdon
Cat Huntingdon
"It appears to be set for July 2024. This information was found under the 'account > manage subscriptions' section. https://manage.articul..."
  • 2 months ago05/03/24 at 6:28 pm (UTC)
"Interesting! It seems I initially missed noticing that banner. During the webinar, they mentioned a Q1 release timeframe, but also emphas..."
  • 2 months ago04/17/24 at 5:24 pm (UTC)
"It currently says, "Articulate AI (Coming Soon) Beta Active. “Coming Soon” is the key phrase to focus on in that statement. You are acti..."
  • 2 months ago04/17/24 at 1:27 am (UTC)
"The webinar stated Q1, which we are nearing the end of. Their 'timeline' (roadmap) doesn't provide any dates. https://access.articulate.c..."
  • 3 months ago03/18/24 at 8:18 pm (UTC)